Jade - KarmaLucky

Collection: Jade

 In Eastern culture, jade is regarded as a gift from nature to humanity. Its smooth and lustrous texture makes it ideal for wearing as jewelry.

  1. Emotional Healing: Wearing jade can bring harmony and balance to life, stabilize emotions, and help release negative feelings for a more relaxed state of mind.

  2. Spiritual Boost: It not only promotes spiritual growth but is also seen as a protective stone that wards off bad luck and attracts good fortune and friendship.

  3. Energy Alignment: Jade is said to cleanse and balance the body's energy centers, especially the heart chakra, making you feel more comfortable all over.

  4. Physical Well-being: Some think it benefits the kidneys, bladder, and immune system, and boosts physical vitality, making you feel more energetic.

  5. Cultural Significance: In many cultures, jade symbolizes purity and tranquility, and traditional medicine has used it for centuries to promote health and longevity.

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